Manual for Installing RGSE

RGSE can be installed as a Java project in Eclipse, and we require you use the Linux X64 operating system (We have tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04).

To run RGSE, The Java IDE Eclipse needs to support the PDE (Plug-in Development Environment) [Eclipse Download Link] , and JDK1.7 [JDK Download Link] is also required to be installed. We suppose that you have created a Java project named AnalysisDriver

(1). Install Z3

Put [Download Link], libz3java.dylib [Download Link], and [Download Link] in the directory “/usr/lib/”. (You can also install Z3 for Java by yourself, go to [Z3 Website] for reference).

(2). Import the Jar Files

Create a folder named lib in the directory “pathToAnalysisDriver/”, and put the auxiliary Jar files [Download Link] in the lib. Then, you should add all the Jar files to the build path of the AnalysisDriver project (Select all the Jar files –>Right click –>Build Path –>Add to Build Path).

(3). Creat the Folder for JPF-nhandler

Create a folder called “onthefly” in the directory “pathToAnalysisDriver/” (Note that such a folder is essential to run JPF-nhandler).

(4). Import the WALA Projects

Download the WALA projects [Download Link], and import all the wala projects to the workspace of AnalysisDriver. Then, add them to the dependent projects of the AnalysisDriver project (project-properties –> Java build path –> projects). Note that you need to configure WALA according to your JDK installation, i.e., change the value of java_runtime_dir in the file to your own installed Java lib. All the downloaded wala projects have been compiled, you don’t need to build them.

(5). Create the Files for Static Analysis

Put the file Include.txt [Download Link] and the file Exclusions.txt [Download Link] in the directory “pathToAnalysisDriver/src”. Note that you should change “bin/moti” in the file Include.txt to the location of your own package, e.g., “bin/yourPackageName”.

(6). Import the Setting File of RGSE

Download the configuration file rgse.jpf [Download Link], and put it in the directory “pathToAnalysisDriver/”.

(7). Write the Analysis Driver

You can download the motivation example [Download Link] and its analysis driver [Download Link] for reference. Note that you should change the following arguments with respect to your program: symMethod, symMethodSig, classname, and mainClassName in the main function and classpath in the createArgsMotiExample function. In addition, the implementation of function getForwardFSAAntlr (FSM) and function setProperty (Java monitor) depends on the property to be verified. It is worth noting that the tutorials [Link] can also help you to write an analysis driver.

(8). Run the Analysis Driver

Build the AnalysisDriver project, and run it as a Java application.


Please feel free to contact us if you have any problem.